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Clayton Perlman: Benefits of Playing Music

Clayton Perlman enjoys coming home from a long day at the office to pick up his guitar and play a few songs. Playing music is one of his favorite hobbies, and he makes as much time for his guitar as he can. He can often be found learning new songs, brushing up on his favorites, and maintaining his beloved instrument.


Musicians like Clayton Perlman receive numerous benefits from playing their instruments. Some of the many include:


· Improved Memory


Playing an instrument can increase your memory and help reduce memory degradation with age. The more often you play, the more you shape and change your brain to be more effective at learning, remembering, and absorbing new information.


· Better Time Management and Organization


Musicians like Clayton Perlman often exhibit better time management and organization skills compared to people who don’t play an instrument. This is likely an effect of both the necessity of scheduling time to practice and the brain growth that happens when you play an instrument on a regular basis.