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Clayton Perlman: Top Safety Tips When Boating

· Clayton Perlman,Professional

Clayton Perlman lives and works in New Jersey, and he loves his local area. He enjoy going to nearby dog parks with his canine friends, and when he has time, he can often be found on the water in his boat.

Safety Precautions

For boaters like Clayton Perlman, the hobby is fun, relaxing, and exciting. For those who have never been on a boat, or have only gone boating a few times, however, the prospect can be a bit scary.

The good news is that, with safety precautions like these, boating is typically a very safe and enjoyable activity:

  • Education reduces your risks. Take an accredited boating safety course before you go out on the water and familiarize yourself with state laws about boating in your area.
  • Check the weather forecast.
  • Tell people about your plan and make sure somebody knows who you are with, where you are going and how to contact you if something comes up.