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Clayton Perlman: Ultimate Guide to Dog Park Etiquette

· Clayton Perlman

Clayton Perlman loves to head to his local dog park with his furry friends. According to Clay, these outings to the dogs park not only helps his dogs physically, but also provides mental and behavioral benefits.

When visiting local dog parks in New Jersey, Clay likes to observe the following rules:

  • Read the rules of the park. Every park has different rules. Read before you enter.
  • Make sure you have your water handy.
  • Take a moment to look around before entering the park. Most dog parks have double entrances. Do not enter both gates right away.
  • First time visit? Keep it short so that your dog associates the park with a pleasant visit.
  • Pay attention to how your dogs are behaving. Leave if your dog is being overexcited or getting too wound up.
  • Pay attention to other dogs who are showing unwanted canine behavior. If another dog seems to be overexcited or uneasy, make an exit and avoid an unpleasant situation.
  • Do not bring toys with you. Dogs can become incredibly aggressive when they see something they want. If treats are allowed, do not give treats to other pooches.
  • Do not interrupt positive behavior by leaving. If your dog is having a great time and is socializing well, wait before you call and leave the park.