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Clayton Perlman: Best Dogs for Fighting Depression


Clayton Perlman is a hardworking professional who lives andworks in New Jersey. He spent a year taking care of his terminally ill wifebefore she passed away from stem cell complications. Fortunately, with time and a little help from his dog was able to find his way back and start living his life again.  

Best Dogs for Fighting Depression

Dogs can have a powerful therapeutic effect on both our physicaland mental health. They are sensitive to us and can adjust their behaviordepending on our emotions and communication signals. The following dog breeds can be beneficial when fighting depression.  

1. CavalierKing Charles Spaniel 

2. LabradorRetriever 

3. Poodle 

4. GoldenRetriever 

5. YorkshireTerrier 

6. Vizsla 

7. Pug

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